Tuesday 8 January 2008

Air Gun! (or How to Save 20p) 02.02.07

Robbie and I went to fill the car up and check the tyres this evening, not one of the most exciting jobs, but it turned out to be the funniest thing I have witnessed for ages. Filling the car up was fairly mundane, but checking the tyres was hilarious. Robbie had to alter his routine because they have recently installed a new air machine that takes coins and it only gives a very brief amount of time before demanding more money. Robbie prefers to take the valve caps off and replace them as he goes around, but a new strategy was necessary to outsmart the new machine. He had it all worked out and when we got to the machine he leapt out of the car like a man with a mission. First he took all four caps off, then he grabbed the nozzle of the air lead and held it as if it was a gun. With an 'armed and dangerous' expression on his face, he fed the coins into the machine and set about attacking the first tyre. He raced from one tyre to the next like a man possessed, while Emily and I struggled bravely, but failed to fight back tears of laughter. All that effort just to save 20p!!

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