Tuesday 8 January 2008

Ebay as Performance Art! 23.01.07

Robbie is in one of those 'did you know' moods tonight. It is almost 10.30pm and he is going on about the difference between 4 pints and 4 litres, I don't really care, I just know it is a large bottle of milk. Milk consumption has been a bit of an issue recently, we are getting through loads of milk because Sam has developed an obsession with sugar puffs, he is on his third box since last Thursday! It won't last, he will have moved on to another obsession by next week. Sam complained bitterly about his evening meal, he said he was given lamb so often that he would turn into a sheep. He has had lamb once since Christmas, today's meal was pork! He has turned exaggeration into an art form.

Robbie is having an hour on ebay before bed, that's fine by me, but I wish he wouldn't read stuff out to me all the time. He has become the voice of ebay, he reads the listings out with great enthusiasm, but you really have to look at ebay, having it read out loud randomly has much the same effect as reading the telephone directory out loud - it really isn't intended for performance art. If reading out loud to me is not enough to stop me concentrating on what I am doing he sends me links to photos of fictitious liveries every five minutes too. Robbie knows exactly what he is doing, because eventually I give up and go to bed which is precisely what he intended to happen!

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