Tuesday 19 January 2010

What Goes Up Must Come Down

When I went into the kitchen at lunchtime yesterday I thought I heard a couple of rustling sounds near the fridge. I had a good look at the side of the fridge as we have had intruders before, once a hedgehog came into the utility room through the cat flap and on another occasion a toad came in. I couldn't find any sign of any visitors and I thought I must be imagining the noise.

I forgot all about it until I went back into the kitchen later there was dried cat food all over the floor and something definitely moved above my head. It was Dave sitting on top of the fridge freezer looking down on me. He had got up there somehow and tipped over the very expensive senior version of dry cat food. The package was still on top of the freezer but it was almost empty, as well as having a feast he had showered food down onto the floor much to the delight of Oreo and Meg.

Dave celebrated his second anniversary in November, I can't believe it is that long since he found us. I love that cat so much and even when he gets into mischief I can't stay cross for long. He is an old cat but I hope he has a few more years with us.

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