Monday 8 September 2008

Pillow Talk

After coming to bed on Thursday night and ranting about Barry Doe, Robbie found that his list of banned subjects had a new name on it – I am so sick of hearing about that man! Robbie was going on a rail tour on Saturday, but it didn't involve an overnight stay so just as I settled down to sleep on Friday night, Robbie plodded up the stairs and plonked himself on the bed with a thud (as usual). I was jolted awake. He was looking forward to the rail tour and he checked the alarm clock several times as he talked about the route, and all sorts of details of the trip. He wasn't exactly talking to me, it was more like speaking his thoughts, I like to listen to the radio at night because I can switch it off when I am tired – if only it was that simple to silence Robbie. I usually give him a sharp prod, occasionally it makes him shut up but usually it just jolts him on to another subject. After pausing for breath he launched into a completely different subject – the demon from the deep north! An irritating chap, bigger in ego than brain cells who has a one man crusade about coach replacements. Robbie muttered darkly about him for a while, he made me laugh because he refers to him as 'Barry's brother in the north' – another haemorrhoid, no wonder Robbie never sits still!

The alarm woke me in the middle of the night and I got up to take Robbie to the station, then I went back to bed, to get a couple more hours sleep. I was enjoying it until Robbie rang to tell me about the lack of coffee at Northampton and about his breakfast – typical Robbie!

I had a busy day, I have been looking after my mum's 3 cats and 2 tortoise for the last fortnight and I was glad that my mum and stepfather were coming home on Saturday to relieve me of the responsibility. One of the cats is very old, close to 20 years old, she is quite frail and she needs a special diet so it was a bit of a worry to look after her. I picked up some shopping for them then I went over to tidy their house and to make sure that everything was ready for their return. Then I went home to do my own cleaning and to tackle yet another washing mountain.

Robbie rang me a number of times during the day, he really enjoyed his day, but it was almost midnight when he arrived back at the station so it was a long day for me too. He talked non stop on the way home and he was still talking when we went to bed, it didn't matter because I was so tired that I fell asleep. Sunday morning was wet and miserable, but at least I had Robbie's undivided attention. He got up to make me a cup of tea and when he came back to bed he brought two boxed Bachmann wagons with him, Satlink Western to be exact, he started to tell me all about them and he was rather hurt when I wasn't interested! Men!!

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