Monday 14 September 2009

It is Inexcusable!

I detest London Midland, yet again they managed to mess my day up. I am sick and tired of them randomly cancelling trains and not bothering to tell anyone until it is too late. Having had to get up early on Sunday morning to deliver Robbie to the station I was less than enthusiastic about having to do a mercy dash to rescue him from some out of the way place in the evening. Robbie rang me to say that he had noticed that his train from Birmingham (and a number of others) seemed to be listed as cancelled. I told him to come home via Kettering instead, but he refused so I gave him an alternative - sleep outside the office or travel back by East Midland Trains. Still undecided he said he would ring London Midland to see what was happening but that proved a fruitless exercise, they didn't even know what day it was and they couldn't give him any firm information about his train. A clear example of 'the plan is, there is no plan' it is inexcusable. Eventually Robbie saw sense and travelled home via Kettering, annoyingly it cost him extra to do so, but there was no alternative. So I had to trail off to Kettering in the dark to pick him up, why is life with Robbie always so exhausting?

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