Monday, 6 April 2009

Man Stress!

I have had a horrible weekend. I had great plans, but it didn't work out as I'd hoped. I always look forward to the week end because I like spending time with Robbie, but I will be glad to send him back to work in the morning. He has managed to spoil the whole weekend with his 'man stress' and I am looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet tomorrow. Believe it or not he got himself into a mega strop because someone had eaten some of his crumpets - crime of the century!! As far as I am concerned when we buy food it is for everyone and this is a big fuss about nothing. Anyway a packet of crumpets costs 57p and I had already bought another pack so there were still 8 crumpets left for him to eat. In fact I wish he had eaten all 8 because at least he would have stopped moaning for five minutes. Oh well I guess there is always next weekend to look forward to!

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