Monday 27 April 2009

A Big Let Down

When I finish work on a Thursday evening I look forward to the weekend, I don't have work again until Monday so if Robbie gets home at a reasonable hour on Friday we can enjoy the evening together and we have Saturday and Sunday to look forward to. The problem is that one way or another Robbie always manages to snatch defeat fro the jaws of victory and our weekends often turn out to be miserable. But this weekend Robbie had promised not to be late home from work and I knew he had a dental appointment on Saturday so I hoped that this would turn out to be a nice couple of days. On Friday lunchtime when I went to Morrisons I was anticipating a good weekend - until I got a phone call from Robbie. He said he'd had an email offeringhim the chance to 'play trains' the following day, so he was ringing to ask me if he could go. For the first time ever I said no, not this time, because I wanted to spend some time with him.

He told me that he would be home on an earlier train and when I saw him I knew instantly that he had ignored me and agreed to go out to play. It took a bit of prodding but eventually he admitted it. It didn't create a very harmonious evening, he was gone before I woke on Saturday morning and I had no contact from him all day. I waited up until well past midnight because I thought he would be home and I didn't want to lock him out. In the end I gave up and went to bed, when I woke up he still wasn't home and there was no contact from him all day. I didn't know where they had gone on, but I thought he had mentioned going north, either the north had been annexed by a foreign power that was blocking phone signals or Robbie was avoiding me. I decided not to worry about it, I knew he would be home when people stopped feeding him! I was right, after two days of silence I had a series of texts as he summoned the courage to ask for a lift from the station. I'm still not overjoyed with him, more about the lack of communication than anything else. I have another week stretching ahead of me and I'm not going to bother looking forward to the weekends!

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