Saturday 27 March 2010

Too Much Excitement!

It was Saturday morning but Robbie was up bright and early. He gave me a quick cuddle and he bribed me with the promise of a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich before disappearing down the stairs. The cup of tea took two hours to materialise and the bacon sandwich the bacon sandwich did not appear until well after lunchtime. Robbie was waiting for a very important delivery and he behaved just like a young child waiting for Santa Claus, he couldn't focus on anything, he kept glancing at the clock and pacing up and down just in case our doorbell failed. The delivery finally arrived just before midday, two precious pairs of Dr Martens (we are trying to make his feet more comfortable. He opened them with extreme care because he wanted to keep the tissue paper as uncreased as possible - only Robbie would save tissue paper with a Dr Marten logo! He spent the rest of the day admiring his new shoes and sniffing the leather and once in a while he would wave the boots under my nose and instruct me to smell them, Sometimes I wish he could be a little more normal.

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