Friday, 13 June 2008

The Blind Leading The Blind

Every time I hear the words Network Rail uttered my blood pressure takes a turn for the worse. When we were on holiday the shameful news of the huge bonuses for top Network Rail managers was announced. They made the staggering claim that they were getting the bonuses because punctuality had improved significantly to over 95%. I was reminded of a quotation in my school maths book 'Statistics are like a lamp post to a drunk man, more a means of support than illumination'. In other words you can use them to support something that will not stand up on it's own!! I rather doubt that commuters in Northampton have enjoyed 95% punctuality, and what about all the weekends when there are engineering possessions, there are no late running trains - because there are no trains at all! I suspect that if punctuality has improved it is in spite of Network Rail rather than because of them, and it probably has more to do with the hard work of the train operators.

This week it was announced that Network rail has awarded a huge 3 year contract to BT to upgrade their communications systems. It doesn't require a crystal ball to foresee disaster! I have had many dealings with BT both as a residential customer and in the course of my work. I think they probably rival Network Rail when it comes to incompetence, delay and poor customer service. In fact last month I was finally able to ditch BT and have my line rental from Sky, they may not be perfect, but at least I am able to speak to a live human being when I need to! As far as the liaison with Network Rail and BT is concerned, I don't hold out much hope. It will be like the blind leading the blind! Network Rail would probably be better off with a few old cans and some lengths of string! After all, if you never listen to anyone else, you don't really need an effective communication system do you?!

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