Thursday, 19 February 2009

In a Queue

Robbie seems surprisingly chilled about losing his wallet, all he could talk about last night was train stuff. He seemed very impressed that a charter train had gone through Northampton - I was less impressed! I had spent what seemed like hours on the telephone in a queue, trying to sort out the mess caused by lost credit cards. He is a second card holder on my credit card, so he was only able to put a stop on that account, I had to ring them to go through a whole set of questions with them. Then I had to try to rescue my Boots card points, I had let him take the card to get some aftershave, on Sunday, I had a lot of money on it so I was very upset about it being lost. I hate having to queue on the telephone, they always want to inflict dreadful music on me. I detest classical music, any sort of music played via the phone sounds horrible, it is irritating and by the time I get to speak to a live human being I feel feel murderous!

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